Omul? Nu există "omul" decât în tratatele de filosofie care se mulţumesc cu abstracţiuni. În realitate există mai multe feluri de oameni. Există călăul, există victima, există martorul care se amuză, există martorul indiferent, care nu aude sau pleacă pentru că nu-i place spectacolul, îl deranjează sau îl face să sufere. Mai există şi cel care se revoltă. Dar pe acesta nu-l poţi vedea totdeauna, îl copleşesc martorii dintre care se aleg mereu şi călăii, şi victimele, pentru că spectacolul trebuie să meargă fără oprire...
Artistul preface tot ce-atinge în autoportret.
Lacătele din noi se deschid cu o lacrimă.
Păcatul originar a corectat, de fapt, un defect al creaţiei.
Întrucât ştiu foarte bine că şi minciuna face parte din artă.
Ziua e prea scurtă, domnule, soarele prea puţin. Cerul e plin de nori, fericirea o simplă vorbă. În fine, dracul să le ia pe toate. Că zeii te pedepsesc exact cu calităţile cele mai frumoase pe care ţi le dăruiesc.
Lucrurile pe care le-am dorit eu, nu le-am putut obţine niciodată cerându-le sau luptându-mă pentru ele. Cum poţi să lupţi pentru tandreţe? Sau pentru duioşie? Cel mult poţi să le aştepţi.
Eternitatea nu poate fi smulsă zeilor decât clipă de clipă.
Fiecare are dreptul la dezamăgire.
În rest, port în mine, fără să ştiu, un adevărat cimitir în care se află ceea ce am uitat că am văzut, că am auzit, că am fost.
Ceea ce nu trăim la timp, nu mai trăim niciodată.
Nu dispreţui lucrurile mici; o lumânare poate face oricând ceea ce nu poate face soarele niciodată: să lumineze în întuneric.
Împărţind timpul, omul a descoperit că el curge ireparabil. A observat că "azi" devine "ieri" şi că umbra copacilor se alungeşte spre asfinţit. În clipa aceea a devenit melancolic şi a descoperit regretul. Dar era prea târziu.
When we are children, we believe the world is full of magic. We believe in myths and legends and that destiny awaits. This is the world I remember and the one I wish I'd never known...
joi, 28 octombrie 2010
citate de octavian paler
despre falsitate
Nu imi plac oamenii falsi. De fapt cui ii plac?
Pus in fata unei decizii orice om ar recunoaste acest lucru: uraste oamenii prefacuti, insa intalnindu-se cu o situatie in care trebuie sa obtina ceva... eh bine, alege sa fie fals, sa minta, sa se prefaca pentru binele lui. Dar, bineinteles, toata lumea uita acel nenorocit de proverb: "Ce tie nu-ti place, altuia nu-i face".
Sa fim seriosi, suntem intr-o epoca in care toti suntem ipocriti: toata lumea minte. Toata lumea infloreste adevarul. Toata lumea, eh bine, spune tot ce poate pentru a obtine ce vrea.
V-ati confruntat vreodata cu situatia aia in care ati avut de ales calea cea corecta si cealalta si cea corecta vi s-a parut mult prea grea?
Eh bine, da. Suntem toti falsi.
Pus in fata unei decizii orice om ar recunoaste acest lucru: uraste oamenii prefacuti, insa intalnindu-se cu o situatie in care trebuie sa obtina ceva... eh bine, alege sa fie fals, sa minta, sa se prefaca pentru binele lui. Dar, bineinteles, toata lumea uita acel nenorocit de proverb: "Ce tie nu-ti place, altuia nu-i face".
Sa fim seriosi, suntem intr-o epoca in care toti suntem ipocriti: toata lumea minte. Toata lumea infloreste adevarul. Toata lumea, eh bine, spune tot ce poate pentru a obtine ce vrea.
V-ati confruntat vreodata cu situatia aia in care ati avut de ales calea cea corecta si cealalta si cea corecta vi s-a parut mult prea grea?
Eh bine, da. Suntem toti falsi.
marți, 3 august 2010
Caldura este coplesitoare. Casele sunt niste inchisori comode din beton supraincalzit. Oamenii de afara, doar miraje plutitoare care dispar in umbra orasului. Pamantul emana caldura. Apa emana caldura. Aerul ne invadeaza plamanii si ne sufoca in timp ce apa curge in siroaie pe corpurile noastre sarate.
Simt cum asfaltul mi se topeste sub talpi si eu ma topesc la randu-mi in asfalt. Totul in jur este asfalt. Simt cum totul se topeste si dispare. Totul devine ciment. Un caine letargic ma latra, insa nu se misca: se lasa inclus in asfaltul ce il inconjoara.
Totul devine asfalt. Si lumea nu realizeaza. Peretii murdari ai blocurilor se ridica din ce in ce mai sus deasupra capetelor noastre, acopera cerul albastru care nu are nicio urma de nori. Cerul este ultima scapare, dar nici macar el nu mai ajuta. Nu mai ploua, nu mai bate vantul. Totul devine asfalt.
Simt cum asfaltul mi se topeste sub talpi si eu ma topesc la randu-mi in asfalt. Totul in jur este asfalt. Simt cum totul se topeste si dispare. Totul devine ciment. Un caine letargic ma latra, insa nu se misca: se lasa inclus in asfaltul ce il inconjoara.
Totul devine asfalt. Si lumea nu realizeaza. Peretii murdari ai blocurilor se ridica din ce in ce mai sus deasupra capetelor noastre, acopera cerul albastru care nu are nicio urma de nori. Cerul este ultima scapare, dar nici macar el nu mai ajuta. Nu mai ploua, nu mai bate vantul. Totul devine asfalt.
joi, 29 iulie 2010
A Tout Le Monde
Pentru ca sunt oficial obsedata de Megadeth o sa va pun niste versuri de la una din melodiile mele preferate: A Tout Le Monde. Melodia este a doua in playlist pentru ca nu m-am putut indura sa scot melodia de la Wakey!Wakey! - Light Outside care da blogului meu o oarecare aura de pozitivism (care imi lipseste cu desavarsire cand scriu). Deci da. Imi place melodia asta de dinainte sa ma apuce pe mine obsesia asta. Stiam mai multe melodii ale lor de atunci, doar ca.. eh bine, nu eram disperata dupa ele. Acum am descoperit mai multe (am downloadat discografia). So yeah. Melodia asta nu este una pozitiva, vorbeste in mare parte despre moarte si cat de usor este pentru cel care pleaca dintre noi. De asemenea, explica tristetea celor care raman in urma.
Don't remember where I was
I realized life was a game
The more seriously I took things
The harder the rules became
I had no idea what it'd cost
My life passed before my eyes
When I found out how little I accomplished
All my plans denied
So as you read this know my friends
I'd love to stay with you all
Smile when you think of me
My body's gone that's all
A tout le monde (To all the world)
A tout mes amis (To all my friends)
Je vous aime (I love you)
Je dois partir (I have to leave)
These are the last words
I'll ever speak
And they'll set me free
If my heart was still alive
I know it would surely break
And my memories left with you
There's nothing more to say
Moving on is a simple thing
What it leaves behind is hard
You know the sleeping feel no more pain
And the living are scarred
A tout le monde (To all the world)
A tout mes amis (To all my friends)
Je vous aime (I love you)
Je dois partir (I have to leave)
These are the last words
I'll ever speak
And they'll set me free
So as you read this know my friends
I'd love to stay with you all
Please smile, smile when you think about me
My body's gone that's all
A tout le monde (To all the world)
A tout mes amis (To all my friends)
Je vous aime (I love you)
Je dois partir (I have to leave)
These are the last words
I'll ever speak
And they'll set me free
These are the last words
I'll ever speak
And they'll set me free
marți, 27 iulie 2010
hollywood can suck it
Ceva de care ma simt absolut insultata este inteligenta de care crede Hollywood-ul crede ca dispunem. Sincer... Da, a facut niste filme cu adevarat incredibile si unele care chiar merita vazute. Exista filme la care te uiti doar pentru ca nu ai ceva mai bun de facut. Si totusi, chiar si in cele mai bune filme exista clisee. Nu am nimic cu Hollywood-ul, insa filmele carora le acorda importanta nu sunt intotdeauna stralucite.
All lies aside, tuturor ne plac acele povesti absolut fantastice de dragoste in care tipul si tipa nu se suporta, dar ajung impreuna. Cele in care sunt la mile distanta, dar totusi inca reusesc sa ajunga impreuna. Exista un moment spre sfarsitul filmului cand sunt certati pentru un lucru stupid pe care l-a facut protagonistul, dar dupa aia totul este frumos, ingerasii canta, floricelele si norisorii roz sunt peste tot. How stupid is that? Chestia mai idioata e ca, la un moment dat, poti sa anticipezi sfarsitul filmului... cu jumatate de film inainte.
Filmele de actiune sunt cam toate la fel. Singurul film aproape decent de actiune pe care l-am vazut in ultimul timp a fost "From Paris With Love". Nu este genul de film la care m-as uita, dar a fost chiar ok. Basically, toata lumea se impusca. E cineva care e incredibil de priceput in a impusca oameni si ii impusca pe toti (da, chiar si armate de milioane de oameni).
Horror-urile sunt un subiect pe care nu am de gand sa il ating. Nu pentru ca ar fi bune sau proaste sau mai stiu eu cum, dar pentru ca pur si simplu nu am cum sa imi formez o parere despre ele pentru ca nu vizionez asa ceva.
Comediile sunt bune, desi toate aproape sunt comedii romantice (chiar unele din cele mai bune, The Proposal, The Ugly Truth, What Happens In Vegas). Sunt amuzante, dar in final... la fel de cliseice ca si filmele din categoria romance.
Filmele fantasy sunt fie foarte bune fie foarte proaste. In foarte proaste se incadreaza Twilight Saga (da, recunosc mi-au placut cartile) sau Harry Potter 6. Astea sunt filme pe care chiar iti pierzi multe ore din viata si da, este tragic. Then again, sunt realizari incredibile de rangul Lord Of The Rings.
Si dupa aia este Avatar. Acest film merita o categorie numai a lui pentru ca este atat de... PROST. Nu mi-a placut filmu asta. Mi s-a parut cu adevarat plictisitor, intesat cu clisee si cu un plot atat de weak incat nici nu merita mentionat. Si totusi, reclama pe care si-a facut-o, impreuna cu efectele incredibile (da, asa au fost, doar ca dupa jumatate de film deja le-ai vazut pe toate si poti sa inchizi filmul). Nu stiu cum a avut atatea incasari, doar ca ma intreb... oare intreaga populatie a lumii s-a tampit de tot? o.O
Momentan, nu mai am nicio idee de ce sa zic pentru ca mi-e somn, dar.. o sa incerc sa mai postez in curand :)).
All lies aside, tuturor ne plac acele povesti absolut fantastice de dragoste in care tipul si tipa nu se suporta, dar ajung impreuna. Cele in care sunt la mile distanta, dar totusi inca reusesc sa ajunga impreuna. Exista un moment spre sfarsitul filmului cand sunt certati pentru un lucru stupid pe care l-a facut protagonistul, dar dupa aia totul este frumos, ingerasii canta, floricelele si norisorii roz sunt peste tot. How stupid is that? Chestia mai idioata e ca, la un moment dat, poti sa anticipezi sfarsitul filmului... cu jumatate de film inainte.
Filmele de actiune sunt cam toate la fel. Singurul film aproape decent de actiune pe care l-am vazut in ultimul timp a fost "From Paris With Love". Nu este genul de film la care m-as uita, dar a fost chiar ok. Basically, toata lumea se impusca. E cineva care e incredibil de priceput in a impusca oameni si ii impusca pe toti (da, chiar si armate de milioane de oameni).
Horror-urile sunt un subiect pe care nu am de gand sa il ating. Nu pentru ca ar fi bune sau proaste sau mai stiu eu cum, dar pentru ca pur si simplu nu am cum sa imi formez o parere despre ele pentru ca nu vizionez asa ceva.
Comediile sunt bune, desi toate aproape sunt comedii romantice (chiar unele din cele mai bune, The Proposal, The Ugly Truth, What Happens In Vegas). Sunt amuzante, dar in final... la fel de cliseice ca si filmele din categoria romance.
Filmele fantasy sunt fie foarte bune fie foarte proaste. In foarte proaste se incadreaza Twilight Saga (da, recunosc mi-au placut cartile) sau Harry Potter 6. Astea sunt filme pe care chiar iti pierzi multe ore din viata si da, este tragic. Then again, sunt realizari incredibile de rangul Lord Of The Rings.
Si dupa aia este Avatar. Acest film merita o categorie numai a lui pentru ca este atat de... PROST. Nu mi-a placut filmu asta. Mi s-a parut cu adevarat plictisitor, intesat cu clisee si cu un plot atat de weak incat nici nu merita mentionat. Si totusi, reclama pe care si-a facut-o, impreuna cu efectele incredibile (da, asa au fost, doar ca dupa jumatate de film deja le-ai vazut pe toate si poti sa inchizi filmul). Nu stiu cum a avut atatea incasari, doar ca ma intreb... oare intreaga populatie a lumii s-a tampit de tot? o.O
Momentan, nu mai am nicio idee de ce sa zic pentru ca mi-e somn, dar.. o sa incerc sa mai postez in curand :)).
summer. don't believe the hype.
Mi-am numit acest post asa dupa cum vedeti pentru un simplu motiv. Nu cred ca nimeni a avut o vara mai proasta decat mine. Da, recunosc... E bine sa stai toata ziua degeaba. Da, e bine sa nu te chinuie nici naiba cu teste... Dar este vara de dinainte de clasa a12a. It's like a write of passage si totusi nu am nimic fericit de scris. Nu, nu vreau sa par emo. Chiar nu vreau. Dar pur si simplu cu exceptia catorva momente frumoase vara mea pana acum a fost un esec.
Sa incep cu cele frumoase. Am fost la a doua zi de la Sonisphere Bucharest. It was fantastic! Mda, mi-am luat bilet cu o zi inainte (cand festivalu deja incepuse) si m-am dus. A fost minunat. I-am vazut pe Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeth si Metallica. Pot spune ca acest concert m-a facut sa fac o obsesie cretina pentru formatia Megadeth si pentru interesantul Dave Mustaine. Poate nu tututor li se pare cine stie ce, dar eu cred ca el este un personaj interesant (ar fi perfect pentru o carte; who doesn't like the drunken junkie who makes everyone hate him? really?! He is fabulous :)) ).
Au fost cateva petreceri, cateva majorate care au fost incredibil de fun. Nu pot sa zic ca am putut sa spun prea multe despre asta pentru ca nu prea am iesit foarte mult noaptea... pentru ca nu se cuvenea.
Vreau sa folosesc acest prilej sa aduc un ultim omagiu bunicii mele. Stiu ca la inmormantare mi-am primit titlu de nepoata insensibila pentru ca n-am plans si pentru ca am criticat toate "ritualurile" bisericesti care mi se pareau exagerate. Imi este greu sa scriu despre asta - poate mai greu decat sa vorbesc - dar, incerc. Vreau sa imi imaginez ca vede aceste cateva randuri pe care no sa le citeasca nimeni probabil - pentru ca sincer, de ce mi-ati citi blogul? Prima chestie pe care pot sa o spun e duce-ti-va la doctor din timp. Nu conteaza ca aveti 10 - 30 - 60 de ani. O decizie inteligenta ar fi sa mergeti. Si daca cineva va spune ca ar trebui sa va operati de bila, mai cautati cateva opinii, dar face-ti-o. Poate duce la niste complicatii pe care nu mi le-am imaginat (pancreatita acuta - care nu se vindeca, ulcer perforat, infectii care ti se raspandesc in tot corpul).
Nu pot totusi sa cred ca nu o sa mai aiba cine sa faca acel tort de sarlota pe care il facea dintotdeauna. Nu-mi vine sa cred ca apartamentul lor din Constanta din Tomis 3 prin care mi-am tot dus veacul din cand in cand o sa fie mai gol. Pur si simplu devine imposibil de crezut faptul ca o persoana atat de plina de viata si atat de sanatoasa (aparent) ar putea sa dispara dintre noi atat de usor.
Si revenind pe un ton mai fericit si mai upbeat (right. bullshit), ma pregatesc de o plecare intr-o excursie care sper sa fie frumoasa. Si dupa aia vine un an care se anunta a fi nasol.
Ah da. Si in aproximativ 2 zile voi afla ce am facut la Cambridge. I hope it will be ok.
Sa incep cu cele frumoase. Am fost la a doua zi de la Sonisphere Bucharest. It was fantastic! Mda, mi-am luat bilet cu o zi inainte (cand festivalu deja incepuse) si m-am dus. A fost minunat. I-am vazut pe Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeth si Metallica. Pot spune ca acest concert m-a facut sa fac o obsesie cretina pentru formatia Megadeth si pentru interesantul Dave Mustaine. Poate nu tututor li se pare cine stie ce, dar eu cred ca el este un personaj interesant (ar fi perfect pentru o carte; who doesn't like the drunken junkie who makes everyone hate him? really?! He is fabulous :)) ).
Au fost cateva petreceri, cateva majorate care au fost incredibil de fun. Nu pot sa zic ca am putut sa spun prea multe despre asta pentru ca nu prea am iesit foarte mult noaptea... pentru ca nu se cuvenea.
Vreau sa folosesc acest prilej sa aduc un ultim omagiu bunicii mele. Stiu ca la inmormantare mi-am primit titlu de nepoata insensibila pentru ca n-am plans si pentru ca am criticat toate "ritualurile" bisericesti care mi se pareau exagerate. Imi este greu sa scriu despre asta - poate mai greu decat sa vorbesc - dar, incerc. Vreau sa imi imaginez ca vede aceste cateva randuri pe care no sa le citeasca nimeni probabil - pentru ca sincer, de ce mi-ati citi blogul? Prima chestie pe care pot sa o spun e duce-ti-va la doctor din timp. Nu conteaza ca aveti 10 - 30 - 60 de ani. O decizie inteligenta ar fi sa mergeti. Si daca cineva va spune ca ar trebui sa va operati de bila, mai cautati cateva opinii, dar face-ti-o. Poate duce la niste complicatii pe care nu mi le-am imaginat (pancreatita acuta - care nu se vindeca, ulcer perforat, infectii care ti se raspandesc in tot corpul).
Nu pot totusi sa cred ca nu o sa mai aiba cine sa faca acel tort de sarlota pe care il facea dintotdeauna. Nu-mi vine sa cred ca apartamentul lor din Constanta din Tomis 3 prin care mi-am tot dus veacul din cand in cand o sa fie mai gol. Pur si simplu devine imposibil de crezut faptul ca o persoana atat de plina de viata si atat de sanatoasa (aparent) ar putea sa dispara dintre noi atat de usor.
Si revenind pe un ton mai fericit si mai upbeat (right. bullshit), ma pregatesc de o plecare intr-o excursie care sper sa fie frumoasa. Si dupa aia vine un an care se anunta a fi nasol.
Ah da. Si in aproximativ 2 zile voi afla ce am facut la Cambridge. I hope it will be ok.
back... to black
Ok, so ... N-am mai scris din mai cand am promis ca ma intorc. Eh bine, nu m-am intors atunci dar incerc acum. Deci... da... scriu :D
miercuri, 10 martie 2010
astia care fac skinuri pt blog isi bat cu adevarat joc de mine. dupa ce mam chinuit sa gasesc unul acceptabil il strica si pe asta?! chiar e nevoie sa invats sa fac skinuri.
luni, 15 februarie 2010
i hate blog skins
Well, after spending a long, long time with the skin I used to have, the site that hosted it decided to RUIN it. Now I am stuck with this one which is not really that ugly, but it isn't the one I liked -sighs-
duminică, 14 februarie 2010
So, last week was incredible. I can't even find the right words to describe it. I think that it will sound wrong and stuff, but it was absolutely great. After a ten hour drive we got to the not-so-sunny city of Bansko, Bulgaria. I say not-so-sunny, because, well, it's a mountain sky resort. It's not supposed to be sunny this time of year. It's freaking February. So yeah, all my blabbering aside... it's might as well be sunny or whatever, I would still love it.
We got at the hotel we were staying in at about 5 o'clock I guess. So yeah, it was a loooong car ride. I read like... half of the book I had with me and a fashion magazine which had Lady Gaga (BLEAH!!!!) on the cover. Then we checked in. Uhm, yeah, the GREAT surprise was that me and the other three girls (Malina, Andra and Ileana) were sharing an apartment. That was fabulous! (Uhm, after three days the room wasn't all that fab with clothes thrown all around... but that's just another story)
So got to our room - which was strategically almost in the opposite side than our parents' rooms, for some reason. One thing that I forgot to mention is that, well, it was my first time in Bansko, whereas all the others have been here like... two times already. It took a little to get used to - considering that I have absolutely no sense of direction whatsoever. Our room was quite large (in comparison with the other rooms in the hotel). The only inconvenience was that we had only one bathroom. For four girls to get ready in. But we totally managed.
Then, we got directly in our swim suits and went to the pool. I realized that I can't really breath in the steam room, but well, it was OK. Then, we went to dinner and then directly to the pub <3. I've heard stories and tales about the Friendly Pub from my friends, but you can't really say how cool it is without actually being there. Words cannot describe it. Well, mine surely can't. We walked in and I was mesmerized. The guys that played (Kiro and Daniel) stopped singing as we got in. We waited for a table because we didn't have the chance to reserve one beforehand. We sat somewhere quite far from the band, but it was okay. I mean, the music was great. The atmosphere was even better. Could you actually guess what we drank? Well, tequila is somewhat like water for us... So if you said tequila, you're right. Then, a group of English guys taught us a really great game. Basically, you should take a paper napkin and place it over a beer glass. Then you place a coin in the middle of it, over the glass. You take a cigarette and burn around it until it falls. The person who makes it fall loses. (I will tell you what toll this little, innofensive game took once it fell into Malina's lap)
The second day everyone went skiing. Everyone but me that is because I don't know how to. And one of my toes hurt like HELL. Oh yeah, and one of my knees because I fell on the ice one day before leaving Constanta. Joy! I actually had a really big bruise on my knee. And it looked awful, all purplish and stuff. Whatever. And, well, I promise that I will try to ski next year, but right now, I was just into some relaxation. I went in town with my parents - yeah, I know, patetic - but it actually helped me to learn my way around. I saw the center of the city and stopped for a black tea - yumm, I'm practically addicted to it. The weirdest thing is that I have absolutely no problem drinking it before going to sleep. I actually can sleep more if I drink black tea. Yeah, I'm weird. But enough with that. I came back to the hotel about the time the girls came back from skiing. So we went to the pool, of course. That's where we made some new friends. Two girls from England (Eleanor and Daisy) and Daisy's mum. They are really cool girls and we actually met them at the pub too.
Then it was pub time again. This time we got our usual table - yes, we had an usual table next to the band. Yeah, we're that cool :)). Just joking... but seriously... I don't actually think that something incredibly out of the ordinary happened. We just had a lot of fun, as usual. We went home, danced a little in our room. The music wasn't all that loud or whatever, but the next door neighbours called the reception. The receptionist and a security dude came over to our room to tell us to keep quiet. It's safe to say that we weren't exactly changing especially because we were getting ready to go to bed. But as soon as we opened the door the guy got an unexpected smile on his face. So, yeah, you get it. So we continued. And the woman next door came herself to tell us to cut the noise off because her son couldn't sleep. That's when we started wondering how old was her son, actually... :))
The next day I walked around very much, which might not have been the best idea because it was snowing outside. And I got back to the hotel literally drenched. God, it was so annoying. I mean, my hair was partially wet and so where half of my clothes. OH! I can't believe that I forgot to mention that I saw the mall. Not impressive. At all! But at least there were shops. (I'm so optimistic sometimes). I guess it's pretty useless to say that well, we went out this night too, right? Yeah, we sang and danced around. A group of middle aged English dudes that were sitting at a table near us were drunk as hell and were really funny. One of them - the oldest one, I think - actually stood up on the seats and started dancing and singing. Then, they dragged us off our seats and made us dance with them which was quite funny. But then one of them started making some uhm... comments that are not to be made, sincerely speaking. I mean, uhm, whatev.
Uhm, I think that our neighbour came again to tell us to keep the noise down because her son can't sleep. I can't really remember. That wasn't an important fact, right? :)).
I don't really remember what I did the next day.. Weird :)) but whatever. The most important thing was that we went to the pub and well, played "I've never...". This was the night when we danced a lot and sang a lot. And most of us got a little drunk. Who am I kidding? All of us got at least A LITTLE drunk. And that's the night we met some new friends, cause what the hell?! we're really sociable, aren't we?! We actually met a group of really cool Welsh guys (Ben, Harry, Tom, Andy - whom I hate, a guy whose name is Joby I think...). And weirdly enough they were just as drunk as we were, so that was somewhat reassuring :)). We lost at skandenberg - of course. Uhm. I was quite sober when we got home :-??. However, the most important person we met there was George. Well, I think that he is pretty much a local legend of the place. I mean, he is a snow instructor that always sings (The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)). That is his song and no one else's. So basically, we drank and sang with him which was really funny.
The next day I went up the mountain and froze to death. But the view was breathtaking. The snow, the trees covered with it, the slopes, the people skiing and boarding. I took some pretty good photos, I guess.
The last few days were pretty much a blur of awesomeness. I mean, the days were spent shoping, ice skating, partying in the pub with our British friends. The day before the last was Malina's birthday party and we bought her a cake... which was quite hard to find. We went to the reception and ansked for one. Well, the receptionist called our room and that was when I thought that she would figure it out, but she didn't :)). Yeah, that was really fortunate. It was a total surprise. We actually fed the whole pub with at twelve o'clock. And it was incredibly fun. I was actually dressed in a skirt!! :O:O:O. Me and Malina did our tequila bottle dance which was fun.
I'm sure I'm totally missing some highlights but I'm really tired now. OH GOD, i can't believe I forgot to write about this. Malina was insanely evil when she made people drink some incredibly disgusting shots when they lost a coin game (i explained it). Uhm, so she mixed the most.. I don't know... weird stuff in that thing. I mean, mustard, ketchup, salt, pepper, coke were just the start. Oil, vinnegar and other things that didn't mash were the other part of it. I took one - they actually filmed me doing that... Andra took two, and the Welsh guys took a couple themselves. So yeah. Not a really nice memory.
Oh, not to mention that I've accidentally burnt a part of my hair. It was just a little and you can't actually see it, but uhm... Whatever. It was incredibly scary. We also met some other British guys (Arron and Bradley). So yeah, we made a ton of new friends, I guess.
The last day was pretty major. We went out at... 7. We usually went out at about 8 and a half. And we first went to Harry's Bar to see another guy playing. Only me, Malina and Ileana went, but it was really cool. Then, we went to the Friendly Pub. The band dedicated a lot of songs to us, we had a lot of fun, danced. Unfortunately, it was a little sad, cause it was our last night. Then after the pub we went to Happy End - i am not sure if that was the name of the club, but whatever. It was uhm, quite sad, though. Then, we said good bye to our Welsh friends and went back to the hotel. We had to pack up our luggage. And then, well, little sleep. And another road trip back to Romania. It only took longer this time... because of all the snow covering the road.
The end. Until next year.
[I don't usually post these kinds of stuff here, but whatever, I just felt like it. If you have a problem with it take it up with... ME! :))]
We got at the hotel we were staying in at about 5 o'clock I guess. So yeah, it was a loooong car ride. I read like... half of the book I had with me and a fashion magazine which had Lady Gaga (BLEAH!!!!) on the cover. Then we checked in. Uhm, yeah, the GREAT surprise was that me and the other three girls (Malina, Andra and Ileana) were sharing an apartment. That was fabulous! (Uhm, after three days the room wasn't all that fab with clothes thrown all around... but that's just another story)
So got to our room - which was strategically almost in the opposite side than our parents' rooms, for some reason. One thing that I forgot to mention is that, well, it was my first time in Bansko, whereas all the others have been here like... two times already. It took a little to get used to - considering that I have absolutely no sense of direction whatsoever. Our room was quite large (in comparison with the other rooms in the hotel). The only inconvenience was that we had only one bathroom. For four girls to get ready in. But we totally managed.
Then, we got directly in our swim suits and went to the pool. I realized that I can't really breath in the steam room, but well, it was OK. Then, we went to dinner and then directly to the pub <3. I've heard stories and tales about the Friendly Pub from my friends, but you can't really say how cool it is without actually being there. Words cannot describe it. Well, mine surely can't. We walked in and I was mesmerized. The guys that played (Kiro and Daniel) stopped singing as we got in. We waited for a table because we didn't have the chance to reserve one beforehand. We sat somewhere quite far from the band, but it was okay. I mean, the music was great. The atmosphere was even better. Could you actually guess what we drank? Well, tequila is somewhat like water for us... So if you said tequila, you're right. Then, a group of English guys taught us a really great game. Basically, you should take a paper napkin and place it over a beer glass. Then you place a coin in the middle of it, over the glass. You take a cigarette and burn around it until it falls. The person who makes it fall loses. (I will tell you what toll this little, innofensive game took once it fell into Malina's lap)
The second day everyone went skiing. Everyone but me that is because I don't know how to. And one of my toes hurt like HELL. Oh yeah, and one of my knees because I fell on the ice one day before leaving Constanta. Joy! I actually had a really big bruise on my knee. And it looked awful, all purplish and stuff. Whatever. And, well, I promise that I will try to ski next year, but right now, I was just into some relaxation. I went in town with my parents - yeah, I know, patetic - but it actually helped me to learn my way around. I saw the center of the city and stopped for a black tea - yumm, I'm practically addicted to it. The weirdest thing is that I have absolutely no problem drinking it before going to sleep. I actually can sleep more if I drink black tea. Yeah, I'm weird. But enough with that. I came back to the hotel about the time the girls came back from skiing. So we went to the pool, of course. That's where we made some new friends. Two girls from England (Eleanor and Daisy) and Daisy's mum. They are really cool girls and we actually met them at the pub too.
Then it was pub time again. This time we got our usual table - yes, we had an usual table next to the band. Yeah, we're that cool :)). Just joking... but seriously... I don't actually think that something incredibly out of the ordinary happened. We just had a lot of fun, as usual. We went home, danced a little in our room. The music wasn't all that loud or whatever, but the next door neighbours called the reception. The receptionist and a security dude came over to our room to tell us to keep quiet. It's safe to say that we weren't exactly changing especially because we were getting ready to go to bed. But as soon as we opened the door the guy got an unexpected smile on his face. So, yeah, you get it. So we continued. And the woman next door came herself to tell us to cut the noise off because her son couldn't sleep. That's when we started wondering how old was her son, actually... :))
The next day I walked around very much, which might not have been the best idea because it was snowing outside. And I got back to the hotel literally drenched. God, it was so annoying. I mean, my hair was partially wet and so where half of my clothes. OH! I can't believe that I forgot to mention that I saw the mall. Not impressive. At all! But at least there were shops. (I'm so optimistic sometimes). I guess it's pretty useless to say that well, we went out this night too, right? Yeah, we sang and danced around. A group of middle aged English dudes that were sitting at a table near us were drunk as hell and were really funny. One of them - the oldest one, I think - actually stood up on the seats and started dancing and singing. Then, they dragged us off our seats and made us dance with them which was quite funny. But then one of them started making some uhm... comments that are not to be made, sincerely speaking. I mean, uhm, whatev.
Uhm, I think that our neighbour came again to tell us to keep the noise down because her son can't sleep. I can't really remember. That wasn't an important fact, right? :)).
I don't really remember what I did the next day.. Weird :)) but whatever. The most important thing was that we went to the pub and well, played "I've never...". This was the night when we danced a lot and sang a lot. And most of us got a little drunk. Who am I kidding? All of us got at least A LITTLE drunk. And that's the night we met some new friends, cause what the hell?! we're really sociable, aren't we?! We actually met a group of really cool Welsh guys (Ben, Harry, Tom, Andy - whom I hate, a guy whose name is Joby I think...). And weirdly enough they were just as drunk as we were, so that was somewhat reassuring :)). We lost at skandenberg - of course. Uhm. I was quite sober when we got home :-??. However, the most important person we met there was George. Well, I think that he is pretty much a local legend of the place. I mean, he is a snow instructor that always sings (The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)). That is his song and no one else's. So basically, we drank and sang with him which was really funny.
The next day I went up the mountain and froze to death. But the view was breathtaking. The snow, the trees covered with it, the slopes, the people skiing and boarding. I took some pretty good photos, I guess.
The last few days were pretty much a blur of awesomeness. I mean, the days were spent shoping, ice skating, partying in the pub with our British friends. The day before the last was Malina's birthday party and we bought her a cake... which was quite hard to find. We went to the reception and ansked for one. Well, the receptionist called our room and that was when I thought that she would figure it out, but she didn't :)). Yeah, that was really fortunate. It was a total surprise. We actually fed the whole pub with at twelve o'clock. And it was incredibly fun. I was actually dressed in a skirt!! :O:O:O. Me and Malina did our tequila bottle dance which was fun.
I'm sure I'm totally missing some highlights but I'm really tired now. OH GOD, i can't believe I forgot to write about this. Malina was insanely evil when she made people drink some incredibly disgusting shots when they lost a coin game (i explained it). Uhm, so she mixed the most.. I don't know... weird stuff in that thing. I mean, mustard, ketchup, salt, pepper, coke were just the start. Oil, vinnegar and other things that didn't mash were the other part of it. I took one - they actually filmed me doing that... Andra took two, and the Welsh guys took a couple themselves. So yeah. Not a really nice memory.
Oh, not to mention that I've accidentally burnt a part of my hair. It was just a little and you can't actually see it, but uhm... Whatever. It was incredibly scary. We also met some other British guys (Arron and Bradley). So yeah, we made a ton of new friends, I guess.
The last day was pretty major. We went out at... 7. We usually went out at about 8 and a half. And we first went to Harry's Bar to see another guy playing. Only me, Malina and Ileana went, but it was really cool. Then, we went to the Friendly Pub. The band dedicated a lot of songs to us, we had a lot of fun, danced. Unfortunately, it was a little sad, cause it was our last night. Then after the pub we went to Happy End - i am not sure if that was the name of the club, but whatever. It was uhm, quite sad, though. Then, we said good bye to our Welsh friends and went back to the hotel. We had to pack up our luggage. And then, well, little sleep. And another road trip back to Romania. It only took longer this time... because of all the snow covering the road.
The end. Until next year.
[I don't usually post these kinds of stuff here, but whatever, I just felt like it. If you have a problem with it take it up with... ME! :))]
joi, 21 ianuarie 2010
spoon killer <3
=)) uitati-va neaparat la chestia asta. este absolut genial.
e criminal
pe bune, video mai sadic decat asta nu cred ca exista :X:X:X:X
e criminal
pe bune, video mai sadic decat asta nu cred ca exista :X:X:X:X
Am realizat ca n-am mai postat demult nimic pe blog si asta ma face sa mi se para aiurea. Deci da. Voi scrie! Am pus doua melodii noi, so enjoy.
Pe langa asta, deci da, afara a nins. Toate bune si frumoase, cu exceptia faptului ca eu nu ma dau in vant dupa zapada. Ok, un strat subtire este ok, insa... sa nu pot sa circuli si sa nai pe unde sa mergi si sa degeri... mi se pare putin cam prea mult. Deci da, orasul este... nu stiu, haotic oarecum. Oamenii parcheaza pe unde apuca si altii merg pe unde apuca. Era sa imi rup gatul de trei ori cel putin siiii sa fac accident si cu masina (nu, nu eu conduceam eu pentru ca daca asta ar fi fost cazul, in mod sigur accidentul s-ar fi intamplat).
Hmm... mai e doar o saptamana din semestrul asta de scoala. :-?? mediile mele nu sunt tocmai dezastruase... subliniez cuvantul tocmai. Da, uhm, semestrul asta a fost cam naspa din punctul de vedere al chefului de invatat (destul de redus in general, dar acum si mai si). Si ... semestrul viitor va fi si mai redus. De ce? Eh bine, se ingramadesc majoratele, petrecerile, serile in bodegi si multe alte oportunitati de distractie. Pentru ca pana la urma... mai am doar un semestru si o vacanta de vara de trei luni (prea putin) in care sa pot si eu sa ma simt bine :)). Saptamana dintre semestre nu stiu cat de fun o sa fie avand in vdr ca trebuie sa plec toata saptamana in Bulgaria and shit si tot cheful mi-a disparut cand am aflat ca facem 700 de kilometrii pana la naiba in praznic unde mergem. Then, another issue e cand ma intorc pentru ca exact peste trei sambete este un majorat pe care nu vreau sa il ratez pentru nimic in lume (cel al lu Emel). Siiiii ce naiba sa fac? Sper sa ma intorc si nu-mi pasa cat de obosita voi fi de pe drum, eu tot ma duc. Si da, voi fi capabila sa ma si imbrac si sa arat bine. :)) Hm, sau... acceptabil?
Then, nu stiu. Life is hectic. Parintii nu stiu ce naiba au cu mine in ultima vreme. Incearca mai ales sa ma faca sa nu mai vreau sa dau la grafica - pentru ca vezi domne, no sa fac nimic cu asta. Dar sincer NU-MI PASA. Mai bine mor de foame pe strazi si stiu ca am incercat sa fac ce imi place si nu mi-a iesit... decat sa fac ceva ce nu-mi place si fac in sila. Gen, alternativa lor: facultatea de economie!!! Adica mai exact orice de acolo mai ales marketing sau finante banci sau pana mea. EXACT ce imi place mie foarte mult. Sunt groaznic de ironica, in caz ca nu v-ati dat seama. Urasc economia si tot ce se leaga de ea.
Astept cu nerabdare incheierea mediilor and we're free. Vreau sa nu mai fac ore chiar daca numai pentru o saptamana - de care nu stiu cat voi profita avand in vdr ca trebuie sa ma chinui sa am chef de excursie in care toata lumea va schia. Eu nu stiu sa schiez si nici nu am de gand sa invat pentru ca nu vreau sa imi rup gatul. Atunci cand o sa vreau sa ma sinucid, voi incepe sa schiez... :)) pana atunci voi spune pass.
Pe langa asta, deci da, afara a nins. Toate bune si frumoase, cu exceptia faptului ca eu nu ma dau in vant dupa zapada. Ok, un strat subtire este ok, insa... sa nu pot sa circuli si sa nai pe unde sa mergi si sa degeri... mi se pare putin cam prea mult. Deci da, orasul este... nu stiu, haotic oarecum. Oamenii parcheaza pe unde apuca si altii merg pe unde apuca. Era sa imi rup gatul de trei ori cel putin siiii sa fac accident si cu masina (nu, nu eu conduceam eu pentru ca daca asta ar fi fost cazul, in mod sigur accidentul s-ar fi intamplat).
Hmm... mai e doar o saptamana din semestrul asta de scoala. :-?? mediile mele nu sunt tocmai dezastruase... subliniez cuvantul tocmai. Da, uhm, semestrul asta a fost cam naspa din punctul de vedere al chefului de invatat (destul de redus in general, dar acum si mai si). Si ... semestrul viitor va fi si mai redus. De ce? Eh bine, se ingramadesc majoratele, petrecerile, serile in bodegi si multe alte oportunitati de distractie. Pentru ca pana la urma... mai am doar un semestru si o vacanta de vara de trei luni (prea putin) in care sa pot si eu sa ma simt bine :)). Saptamana dintre semestre nu stiu cat de fun o sa fie avand in vdr ca trebuie sa plec toata saptamana in Bulgaria and shit si tot cheful mi-a disparut cand am aflat ca facem 700 de kilometrii pana la naiba in praznic unde mergem. Then, another issue e cand ma intorc pentru ca exact peste trei sambete este un majorat pe care nu vreau sa il ratez pentru nimic in lume (cel al lu Emel). Siiiii ce naiba sa fac? Sper sa ma intorc si nu-mi pasa cat de obosita voi fi de pe drum, eu tot ma duc. Si da, voi fi capabila sa ma si imbrac si sa arat bine. :)) Hm, sau... acceptabil?
Then, nu stiu. Life is hectic. Parintii nu stiu ce naiba au cu mine in ultima vreme. Incearca mai ales sa ma faca sa nu mai vreau sa dau la grafica - pentru ca vezi domne, no sa fac nimic cu asta. Dar sincer NU-MI PASA. Mai bine mor de foame pe strazi si stiu ca am incercat sa fac ce imi place si nu mi-a iesit... decat sa fac ceva ce nu-mi place si fac in sila. Gen, alternativa lor: facultatea de economie!!! Adica mai exact orice de acolo mai ales marketing sau finante banci sau pana mea. EXACT ce imi place mie foarte mult. Sunt groaznic de ironica, in caz ca nu v-ati dat seama. Urasc economia si tot ce se leaga de ea.
Astept cu nerabdare incheierea mediilor and we're free. Vreau sa nu mai fac ore chiar daca numai pentru o saptamana - de care nu stiu cat voi profita avand in vdr ca trebuie sa ma chinui sa am chef de excursie in care toata lumea va schia. Eu nu stiu sa schiez si nici nu am de gand sa invat pentru ca nu vreau sa imi rup gatul. Atunci cand o sa vreau sa ma sinucid, voi incepe sa schiez... :)) pana atunci voi spune pass.
miercuri, 6 ianuarie 2010
Ce m-a impresionat pe mine in seara aceasta? Eh bine, la un moment dat m-a chemat tata in sufragerie cunoscandu-mi dragostea pentru arta and so forth sa imi arate o chestie pe care o consider cel putin ciudata.
Un film, la care, de altfel nu m-as fi gandit sa ma uit, mi-a placut foarte mult si m-a lasat uimita. Probabil ca daca mi-ar fi povestit cineva as fi zis ca este nebun si ca este imposibil ca acest lucru sa fie adevarat.
Filmul se numeste "Lumea vazuta de Ion B.". V-ati fi uitat la asa ceva? Sincer, eu nu. Pentru ca 1. nu am mai auzit de acest Ion B. in viata mea si 2. pentru ca este un film romanesc. Insa, precum am mai spus, am ramas placut surprinsa.
Stiti cum imi plac mie povestile extraordinare ale unor oameni simpli si fara prea multa cultura care ajung faimosi contrar a ceea ce e normal. Ion B... Ion Barladeanu este un batran in varsta de vreo 60 si ceva de ani, din Bucuresti. El traia sub cerul liber undeva intr-o curte de langa ghena unui bloc unde se aruncau gunoaie dormind doar pe o saltea. Surprinzator este faptul ca de-a lungul anilor a decupat imagini din ziare, din reviste si din orice altceva a putut gasi si a creat colaje. Aproximativ 900 pana in anii 1990. Voi v-ati gandi ca un astfel de om ar avea asa ceva de aratat? Eh bine, probabil ca nu.
Norocul sau, insa, a fost ca un artist l-a descoperit si s-a dus imediat la un barbat care se ocupa de galerii... Asa a ajuns un batran care se ocupa cu stransul gunoiului, care nu a avut o viata usoara, care nu a avut prea multa educatie, insa care a avut incredibil de mult talent si o inteligenta nativa un artist consacrat. Probabil ca daca ii spuneati in 2008 - filmul si descoperirea lui a avut loc in 2009 - ca va avea expozitii alaturi de Andy Warhol la Londra ar fi ras de voi copios. Insa, acum are motive sa rada: in film, o lucrare de-a sa ajungea la 1700 de euro sau mai mult... Probabil ca acum, dupa o expozitie la Londra alaturi de doi artisti consacrati (Andy Warhol si Marcel Duchamp) si o expozitie individuala la Paris, lucrarile batranului valoreaza si mai mult de atat.
Lucrarile sale vechi au, in general, un mesaj politic, anticomunist.
Ma impresioneaza acest fel de oameni. Sincer, sunt de admirat. Si au si un noroc fantastic. Dar, adevarul este ca ar fi si cazul dupa lucrurile prin care trec pana sa ajunga acolo unde sunt.
Un film, la care, de altfel nu m-as fi gandit sa ma uit, mi-a placut foarte mult si m-a lasat uimita. Probabil ca daca mi-ar fi povestit cineva as fi zis ca este nebun si ca este imposibil ca acest lucru sa fie adevarat.
Filmul se numeste "Lumea vazuta de Ion B.". V-ati fi uitat la asa ceva? Sincer, eu nu. Pentru ca 1. nu am mai auzit de acest Ion B. in viata mea si 2. pentru ca este un film romanesc. Insa, precum am mai spus, am ramas placut surprinsa.
Stiti cum imi plac mie povestile extraordinare ale unor oameni simpli si fara prea multa cultura care ajung faimosi contrar a ceea ce e normal. Ion B... Ion Barladeanu este un batran in varsta de vreo 60 si ceva de ani, din Bucuresti. El traia sub cerul liber undeva intr-o curte de langa ghena unui bloc unde se aruncau gunoaie dormind doar pe o saltea. Surprinzator este faptul ca de-a lungul anilor a decupat imagini din ziare, din reviste si din orice altceva a putut gasi si a creat colaje. Aproximativ 900 pana in anii 1990. Voi v-ati gandi ca un astfel de om ar avea asa ceva de aratat? Eh bine, probabil ca nu.
Norocul sau, insa, a fost ca un artist l-a descoperit si s-a dus imediat la un barbat care se ocupa de galerii... Asa a ajuns un batran care se ocupa cu stransul gunoiului, care nu a avut o viata usoara, care nu a avut prea multa educatie, insa care a avut incredibil de mult talent si o inteligenta nativa un artist consacrat. Probabil ca daca ii spuneati in 2008 - filmul si descoperirea lui a avut loc in 2009 - ca va avea expozitii alaturi de Andy Warhol la Londra ar fi ras de voi copios. Insa, acum are motive sa rada: in film, o lucrare de-a sa ajungea la 1700 de euro sau mai mult... Probabil ca acum, dupa o expozitie la Londra alaturi de doi artisti consacrati (Andy Warhol si Marcel Duchamp) si o expozitie individuala la Paris, lucrarile batranului valoreaza si mai mult de atat.
Lucrarile sale vechi au, in general, un mesaj politic, anticomunist.
Ma impresioneaza acest fel de oameni. Sincer, sunt de admirat. Si au si un noroc fantastic. Dar, adevarul este ca ar fi si cazul dupa lucrurile prin care trec pana sa ajunga acolo unde sunt.
sâmbătă, 2 ianuarie 2010
La multi ani, 2010! Eh bine, a mai trecut un an din vietile noastre ce se repeta la nesfarsit si trebuie sa spun ca intr-adevar nu inteleg ce este asa de super in chestia asta? Da, asa e, acum realizez. Avem nevoie de inca un motiv sa sarbatorim :)).
Ok. Ce am invatat eu din 2009? Cu ce am ramas din momentele placute sau neplacute? Ce concluzii trag? VORBESC PREA MULT. Nu conteaza de ce, nu conteaza unde, nu conteaza ca prostii debitez eu trebuie sa fac ceva... sa vorbesc. Nu suport sa stau degeaba si sa tac din gura. Mi se pare absolut inuman. Si stiti, n-ar fi o problema daca nu m-as simti aiurea eu ca am vorbit prea mult si ca am spus mult prea multe tampenii pe minut doar ca sa nu tac din gura o.O.
De ce fac acest lucru? Nu stiu. Nu voi intelege niciodata oamenii care simt nevoia sa taca, oamenii timizi care nu prea vorbesc cu cei din jurul lor, oamenii care NU VORBESC. Nu pot sa concep asa ceva. Si stiu, poate uneori unii nu mai suporta sa imi auda vocea insa, asta e ... nu pot sa fiu altcineva in afara de mine si daca eu vorbesc mult prea mult... asta e.
Ce imi doresc in noul an? Well, nimic in particular :-?? pur si simplu vreau sa fie un an bun, dar nu cred ca o sa imi pese daca nu e bun. Asa a fost sa fie.
Ok. Ce am invatat eu din 2009? Cu ce am ramas din momentele placute sau neplacute? Ce concluzii trag? VORBESC PREA MULT. Nu conteaza de ce, nu conteaza unde, nu conteaza ca prostii debitez eu trebuie sa fac ceva... sa vorbesc. Nu suport sa stau degeaba si sa tac din gura. Mi se pare absolut inuman. Si stiti, n-ar fi o problema daca nu m-as simti aiurea eu ca am vorbit prea mult si ca am spus mult prea multe tampenii pe minut doar ca sa nu tac din gura o.O.
De ce fac acest lucru? Nu stiu. Nu voi intelege niciodata oamenii care simt nevoia sa taca, oamenii timizi care nu prea vorbesc cu cei din jurul lor, oamenii care NU VORBESC. Nu pot sa concep asa ceva. Si stiu, poate uneori unii nu mai suporta sa imi auda vocea insa, asta e ... nu pot sa fiu altcineva in afara de mine si daca eu vorbesc mult prea mult... asta e.
Ce imi doresc in noul an? Well, nimic in particular :-?? pur si simplu vreau sa fie un an bun, dar nu cred ca o sa imi pese daca nu e bun. Asa a fost sa fie.
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